Laura started her fashion career in the Grafton Academy of Fashion Design with the intention of designing her own collection but was quickly drawn from design to the business side of fashion. Her true passion and strengths lay in wholesale and she spent the next few years seeking out high quality, affordable, luxury brands before finally opening Peekaboo Agencies in 2007 with White Stuff as her pioneer brand. That partnership lasts till this day and she is the sole exclusive agent for not just White Stuff but also London based dress label Emily and Fin and Dutch lifestyle brand Zilch.

The Irish independent retail scene is always looking for fresh new labels to enable it to compete with the high street and this is what Peekaboo Agencies offers. Customer service is also a huge focus as day to back up is just as important as bringing new brands to the floor.

“With so many great labels out there, an agent can’t just rely on the product they sell. This must also be backed up with year round excellent support service to buyers. I have seen shops walk away from great brands because of bad relationships with agents or label representatives. I’m proud to say I consider a lot of the buyers I deal with as friends.”

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